Marketing Materials shows Plans For Mysterio’s Iconic Comic Book Costume in spider-man : Far from Home

Marketing material has been shown with plans for mysterio’s Comic Book Costume.

Thanks to set photos, we’ve known for a while that Mysterio will don a comic accurate costume in Spider-Man: Far From Home but some shadowy promo art confirms the presence of something fans will love…

Mysterio’s comic book appearance isn’t one it’s easy to pull off in live-action and fans have been worrying for a while now whether the character will be totally redesigned for Spider-Man: Far From Home.

While we’ve seen Jake Gyllenhaal on set suited up in a costume which looks very comic book accurate, it’s hard to imagine that fishbowl helmet making it to the big screen, right? Well, it looks like Marvel Studios will definitely deliver that because @CandyKingsUK have revealed a new flavour of Dr. Pepper which is going to feature the villain quite clearly wearing that dome!

This may only be a silhouette but it’s quite clearly Mysterio and that’s definitely his classic comic book helmet there. It remains to be seen when we’ll get an official reveal but there’s a chance the teaser trailer could land before the year is over. It all depends on when Marvel Studios starts promoting Avengers 4, of course.

What do you guys think of this “first look” at Mysterio? Share your thoughts in the usual place.

Published by cyphertech2002

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