PUBG: Player Unknown Battlegrounds Set to add The joker and Harley Quinn Skin’s Check out the Trailer

joker and harley quinn

PUBG Set to add new skins to the game Harley quinn and The joker with Trailer.

PUBG Corp. recently announced that Suicide Squad  DC characters Harley Quinn and The Joker are coming to Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds as wearable skins.

If you’re unfamiliar with the duo, though it’s unlikely, The Joker and Harley are two of Batman’s greatest nemeses. The Joker is perhaps the most well-known supervillain there is, Harley’s popularity only recently sprouted however – though she’s been around since the Batman: The Animated Seriesaired in the 90s. They’re a couple who are madly in-love – emphasis on the “madly” as they’re both equally as unstable.

These skins in particular appear to be based on the recent Suicide Squad movie which brought the pair, most predominantly Harley, into popularity. The Harley skin seems to be a one-for-one remake of Margot Robbie’s iteration of the character, even equipped with the same pistol. The Joker skin on the other hand clearly didn’t have as much time and effort put into it.

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Published by cyphertech2002

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