Marketing Materials shows Plans For Mysterio’s Iconic Comic Book Costume in spider-man : Far from Home

Marketing material has been shown with plans for mysterio’s Comic Book Costume. Thanks to set photos, we’ve known for a while that Mysterio will don a comic accurate costume in Spider-Man: Far From Home but some shadowy promo art confirms the presence of something fans will love… Mysterio’s comic book appearance isn’t one it’s easy toContinue reading “Marketing Materials shows Plans For Mysterio’s Iconic Comic Book Costume in spider-man : Far from Home”

Spoiler: SCARLET WITCH’s Disney TV Series Will Now Feature An A-List Character As Co-Star

Spoiler has been released that scarlet witch’s Disney TV series is going to feature an A-list character As co-star. we learned that the Falcon will be teaming up with The Winter Soldier on Disney’s planned streaming service and now a new report reveals that the Scarlet Witch will have some company too… It has notContinue reading “Spoiler: SCARLET WITCH’s Disney TV Series Will Now Feature An A-List Character As Co-Star”

Avengers Infinity Tom Hiddleston refuses to confirm or Deny whether Loki’s dead

Loki didn’t receive a huge amount of screentime in Avengers: Infinity War but his violent death at the hands of Thanos certainly helped set the tone for the movie and made it clear that no one was safe.

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